A 6 Week Money Management Program for Visionary Entrepreneurs

Feel at Peace

With Your Finances

Use the Expansive CEO Method to Manage Your Personal and

Business Finances So You Can Take Bold Action Towards Your Dreams

Do You Still Worry About Money Even Though

You're Making More Than Ever Before?

Hannah Chapman

Creator of the Expansive CEO Method

Managed over $80 Million in financial assets and written 2,000+ financial plans

You’re a visionary entrepreneur with a powerful mission and your business is growing... but do you still feel like your financial success and stability isn't what you hoped it would be by now?

You thought once your business was making this much your problems would be solved... once you had the employees, the CPA, the bookkeeper... you would feel clear and confident with your money, but yet you still feel your stomach drop when unpaid invoices are taking longer than usual to get paid.

You still feel that moment of panic when a big client has an issue, or worse yet, leaves. You’re stuck in the "feast or famine" cycle when an unexpected crisis hits.

So you do things that aren't in your zone of genius or joy (like A LOT of things)... which drain your energy big time.

But you keep grinding. You keep doing so many things that zap your energy because you’re afraid to let go and delegate even though you know you need to in order to actually be acting like the CEO that you are. You know deep down it’s holding you back from expanding. 

You want ease. You want flow. You want alignment. You want to grow and expand your business, and you want to feel good while doing it. 

But HOW are you supposed to do that??? If it were SO EASY, why isn’t every business owner doing it already?

Continue reading and let's walk this journey together...

Use the Expansive CEO Method

Increase your income and your impact with aligned actions that are filled with joy and ease

  • 1. Discovery: understanding what you truly want in life and in your business so you can make the impact your heart is calling you to make

  • 2. Alignment: seeing your clear roadmap so you can walk the most direct path for your dream so you can have your time, money and energy all working together

  • 3. Expansion: learning how to hold all of the new expansion in the way that feels balanced with your time, money and energy

Turn a Crisis into a Launching Pad

  • 1. Rise: Your money is growing

  • 2. Crisis: Your money takes a hit

  • 3. Launch: You use the Expansive CEO Method to make decisions from a place of prosperity, rather than a place of scarcity so you are able to launch to new heights

Hannah Chapman


Creator of the Expansive CEO Method

17 years of financial planning experience (CFP® APMA® CRPC®)

○ Managed over $80 Million in financial assets and written 2,000+ financial plans

○ On a mission to help 1 Billion people feel at peace with their finances

The Expansive CEO Program

An 6 week program with weekly video course modules + bonus modules

  • Week 1 - Mindset: Become an Expansive CEO

· Discovery - understand your true desires for your life and business goals

· Alignment - focusing your time, energy and money to be in alignment with your missing

· Expansion - learning how to hold more prosperity with more ease as you grow to new levels

· Money Story Meditation - release inner blocks from childhood on being worthy of growing your wealth

  • Week 2 - Structure: Create Your Foundation

· Accounts - business and personal accounts streamlined

· Management - optimal bookkeeping and accounting strategies and systems

· Distributions - how to optimally distribute your cash flow
· Money Story Meditation - release inner blocks from childhood preventing you from being stable with your money (think: not having cash swings)

  • Week 3 - Budgeting: Increase Your Stability

· Expenses - streamlining personal and business

· Savings - business and personal

· Taxes - optimized recommendations for feeling harmony with your personal and business taxes
· Reports - understanding financial reports so you can breathe easy

· Money Story Meditation - release inner blocks from childhood preventing you from feeling secure with your money

  • Week 4 - Cashflow: Receive What You Need

· Paying Yourself - what you truly require (basic needs, taxes and abundance for your goals - personal and business)

· Paying Your Business - what your business, team and investments need to truly be covered and thrive

· Systems - how to streamline your cashflow to cover all of your needs with minimal management time from you

· Money Story Meditation - release inner blocks from childhood preventing you from receiving what you need

  • Week 5 - Packaging: Create Peaceful Profits

· Service Delivery - focusing on your zone of genius and joy

· Niching - your ideal client who is truly ready to receive all of your gifts

· Pricing - that is a win/win for you and your ideal client

· Profit Margin - your true "take home" after time, team, taxes and production expenses

· Money Story Meditation - release inner blocks from childhood preventing from letting go of complexity (think: simplifying)

  • Week 6 - Expansion: Scale with More Ease

· Growth - navigating your new future of expansive wealth

· Inner Game: Managing the energy of more and more money

· Outer Game: Reminder of where to put your money and how to setup the systems

· Money Story Meditation - release inner blocks from childhood preventing from growing your wealth beyond what you grew up with (think: leading your family wealth story into new levels)

Expansive CEO Results

“I found so much value in the process that Hannah coached us through, the experience unlocked so much clarity.

There is a real simplicity to Hannah’s methodology,

which has greatly helped me.

If you’re navigating through growth in your business...

you need Hannah’s Expansive CEO Workshop in your life!”

Josh Greenbaum

“I believe true prosperity is when

You align your wealth with your heart.”

– Hannah Chapman

Expansive CEO Program with Lifetime Access

Receive a Tailor-Made Expansion Plan So You Can Grow Your Income,

Do What You Love and Make the Impact Your Heart is Calling You to Make


  • 6 Week Online Course

  • Module 1 - Mindset: Become an Expansive CEO

  • Module 2 - Structure: Create Your Foundation

  • Module 3 - Budgeting: Increase Your Stability

  • Module 4 - Cashflow: Receive What You Need

  • Module 5 - Packaging: Create Peaceful Profits

  • Module 6 - Expansion: Scale with More Ease

Expansive CEO Program + 3 Private Calls with Hannah

Everything in the Expansive CEO Program PLUS 3 one hour private calls with Hannah Chapman to dial in your Expansion Plan


  • 6 Week Online Course

  • Module 1 - Mindset: Become an Expansive CEO

  • Module 2 - Structure: Create Your Foundation

  • Module 3 - Budgeting: Increase Your Stability

  • Module 4 - Cashflow: Receive What You Need

  • Module 5 - Packaging: Create Peaceful Profits

  • Module 6 - Expansion: Scale with More Ease

The Next Steps

Step 1

Buy and Begin the Course

The online course will guide you step by step to feel at peace with your finances (business and personal)

Step 2 (with $2,997 option)

Set Up Private Calls

Get your questions answered in private calls so you can succeed with more speed and ease

Step 3

Increase Your Income and Impact

Now that you feel at peace with your finances, utilize your new energy and clarity to scale with more ease

Let's Make Sure Our Values Align


Are we aligning our prosperity with our hearts through our actions?


Are we having the impact on our community that we desire?


Are we treating everyone we meet with respect, honoring the divinity in each of us?


Are we giving generously of our time and resources from a place of abundance within ourselves?


Are we intentionally creating joyful experiences in our work and lives?

© Copyright 2023. Expansive CEO. All rights reserved.